CategoriesOxycontin Pills,  Pain Effects on Male Health

Oxycontin Thieves Getting Desperate

For the last several months there have been hundreds of pharmacy robberies across the U.S.. Thieves demanding large amounts of Oxycontin have come bearing everything from threatening notes to handguns in order to obtain the heavy narcotics.

Oxycontin addiction is similar to heroin addiction in that they’re both opiates and both have extremely painful withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms from Oxycontin include; vomiting, body aches, insomnia, depression, anxiety and severe cravings.

Pain Clinics Are The New Oxycontin Dealers

While we all hear about the growing number of Oxycontin addicts, you are bound to hear about the pain clinics that are supplying this potentially lethal narcotic. Interestingly enough, pain clinics are not regulated the same way as hospitals, also many of them are privately owned. This allows for pain clinics to focus on the financial gains they will reap for doling out hundreds of prescriptions for Oxycontin. Often times patients do not even have to prove that they are sick or in substantial pain before being prescribed drugs.

Oxycontin abuse is extremely dangerous and often leads to the abuse of other, more harmful drugs like heroin. The only real way to handle an Oxycontin addiction is to enroll in a drug rehab. This is where addicts are able to learn how to live their life without resorting to drugs and/or alcohol. One rehab, in particular, Narconon Louisiana has a 76% success rate when it comes to handling addiction.

If you or anyone you know is in need of help for a substance abuse problem please call Narconon Louisiana at 866-422-4650 for more information.

Oxycontin Abuse Common In The NFL

After recent reports of Oxycontin abuse surfaced regarding the New Orleans Saints, more and more people are coming out of the wood works claiming that Oxycontin abuse is very common in the NFL. In fact, one former NFL player insists that overtime fans hear about a player checking into rehab for an alcohol problem, more times than not it is really because they are abusing Oxycontin.

So now we can add NFL stars to a growing list of professions that become addicted to Oxycontin. And at some point maybe we will realize that Oxycontin addiction does not discriminate, anyone can become an addict and anyone can be affected by the evils the drug brings along.

Reward For Oxycontin Thief

In an attempt to curb the rising number of pharmacy robberies, Purdue Pharma has donated $1,000 to crime stoppers to put toward a reward for the capture of an Oregon man suspected of robbing pharmacies for Oxycontin. Purdue Pharma, the maker of this powerful narcotic has come under a lot of heat for knowingly marketing the highly addictive drug. As the number of Oxycontin robberies increase some wonder if this gesture is too little, too late.

Because Oxycontin requires a prescription, addicts have resorted to holding up pharmacies in an attempt to obtain the drug. It is clear that the only thing that is going to handle this growing problem is rehabilitation.

Narconon Louisiana is a long-term, inpatient drug and alcohol rehab that handles Oxycontin addiction effectively. This is evident in their 76% success rate for permanent recovery.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills,  Pain Effects on Male Health

New Legislation Will Prevent Addicts From “Doctor Shopping”

New Legislation Will Prevent Addicts From “Doctor Shopping

While it is widely known that a person with an Oxycontin addiction employs the method of “doctor shopping” in order to obtain their drugs, state officials al over the country are working hard to prevent this from being possible. New legislation is being passed all over the United States that would require the names of any patients being prescribed oxycontin to be entered into a national registry. This would allows doctors to see if a person has more than prescription out there, and prevent addicts from tricking, or pretending they need the drug in the first place.

An OxyContin addiction is best treated in a drug and alcohol rehab. One such rehab, Narconon Louisiana, has developed a unique program, which boasts a 76% success rate for permanent recovery. One of the main reasons for this is because Narconon Louisiana does not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease. Instead, clients work one on one with a counselor to figure out what problems drugs and alcohol were a solution for. Once that problem is isolated and handled, clients no longer feel the need to resort to drugs in the first place.

Cory Haim Obtained OxyContin Illegally.

In the last few days there have been several reports indicating that Cory Haim had an oxycontin addiction. This is substantiated by several pill bottles that bore the actors name that were obtained illegally. One pill bottle was a prescription for Oxycontin that investigators have traced back to a stolen prescription pad.

If this is true then Cory Haim will join the likes of Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith on the list of celebrities that have died because of their addiction to prescription medications.

While the world is struggling to come to grips with addiction, and reeling from the Oxycontin epidemic, the only real solution is long-term, inpatient rehabilitation. Addicts are given the opportunity to take control of their lives, control that they have given up to drugs and alcohol.

Murderer Has Been Spotted In Pharmacy Hold Up

James Fryberg, who is accused of killing a 15 month old boy has now added robber and drug addict to his long list of crimes. Most recently he was spotted holding up a pharmacy, demanding the powerful painkiller, Oxycontin.

Oxycontin abuse has been known to lead people to do desperate things in search of the drug that has been likened to heroin. The most common reason for this is because of the withdrawal symptoms. Oxycontin addicts will experience nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness, irritability, and body aches when trying to come off of this drug.

For most the only real solution to Oxycontin abuse is to enroll in an effective drug and alcohol rehab. Narconon Louisiana is one rehab that has been dealing with this kind of addiction for several years. Unlike most rehabs, Narconon Louisiana does not subscribe to the idea that addiction is a disease. Instead, clients work one on one with a counselor to figure out what problems drugs were a solution for. Once that problem is isolated and handled they no longer feel the need to take the very thing that is killing them.

Theft of Oxycontin Killed 13-Year-Old Boy

Earlier this year the media was flooded with reports about a 13-year-old boy, Alex Aiken. Alex died of an Oxycontin overdose in Indiana.

Investigators have pinpointed the source of the Oxycontin. A 14-year-old girl stole the narcotic from a relative and gave it to Alex and his friend. Officials have arrested the girl and have placed the friend in juvenile hall.

This is a lesson for us all. Prescriptions, especially Oxycontin, need to be locked up or disposed of after they are no longer needed.

CategoriesOxycontin Pills,  Pain Effects on Male Health

Common Misconception With Oxycontin Addicts

Common Misconception With Oxycontin Addicts

Most people get started with Oxycontin, or other prescription pain killers, not knowing the severe side effects and how highly addictive they are. However, those that intentionally seek out Oxycontin to get high do so because they believe that it is safer than street drugs, like heroin.

That misconception is what has led hundreds of thousands of people to have an Oxycontin addiction. Oxycontin has severe withdrawal symptoms like; sleeplessness, nausea, vomiting, body aches, head aches and flu like symptoms. Withdrawals from this drug can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

The only safe way to come off this powerful pain killer is to enroll in a drug and alcohol rehab. In addition to the powerful cravings one can have towards Oxycontin, an effective rehab will help the person figure out why they started abusing drugs in the first place.

Doctor Gets 20 Years After Illegally Dispensing Oxycontin

Perry Reese III was convicted on two counts of distribution of a controlled substance and one count of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) act after investigators caught him distributing large amounts of Oxycontin.

Reese, 51, owned an urgent care center in Sampson County, North Carolina. In 2002 a former client of Reese’s contacted the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and explained that Reese had allowed the man to purchase Oxycontin from him. At one point, under Reese’s watch the patient was taking 30-35 Oxycontin pills a day.

During the course of the investigation, officials were able to purchase Oxycontin from Reese on four different occasions. Reese never provided an examination and asked for no medical records. All in all, Reese illegaly sold 174.165 grams of Oxycontin, the legal equivalent of 1,166 kilograms of marijuana.

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